

When you place an order on, the order amount will be charged to your account immediately.

If you wish to cancel your order, you can contact customer service for a refund. You can pay for your order using a credit card, such as Visa, Mastercard, or American Express, or through payment apps like Paypal and Apple Pay (mobile). The website does not store any of your banking information, and payment is securely processed by the partner managing financial transactions.

If you need to cancel your order, you have the right to do so within 14 days of receiving your goods, as detailed in the Returns Policy section of the website.

If you wish to cancel your purchase, you must notify the company in writing and follow the instructions outlined on the website.

If you fail to take reasonable care of returned goods or do not return them to the company, they may make a claim against you for any losses suffered.

If your goods are faulty or do not match the description given on the site, you can receive a full refund.

If an order is cancelled by the company, you will be notified by email, and you will not be charged for any cancelled items.

You can contact customer service for alternative product recommendations.